Hey guys! So I have been set a challenge by @joncrewgee to break down a tandoori blend that he likes to see what I think it has in it so he can try to recreate it at home. But before I do that he has sent me 3 blends to try and rate. So here they are - to each one I have added equal amounts of ginger, garlic, green chilli, lemon, mustard oil, salt and yoghurt. They are marinading and I will cook them this evening and do a little taste test. But I would love to hear what you think - so going from A at the top in a clockwise direction (A, B and C) - which one do you think will taste the best and why? I will let you know at 10pm tonight!

Posted by Hari Ghotra at 2018-11-01 13:58:53 UTC