Hi there folks! Thought I would try the ginger chutney recipe. Couple of things that are important to stress. Firstly, there are a number of different types of urid dhal. White, Black, split and maybe others. I discovered after I made the chutney that white urid dhal is required. It may or may not affect the flavour, but it certainly affects the colour and appearance of the chutney! Secondly and most importantly, the recipe mentioned tamarind paste. Under no circumstances use tamarind paste concentrate! I think the recipe should say tamarind juice. Using paste would completely ruin the chutney. I did not use the paste, but I made a tamarind juice from a little of the paste, and it still came out tasting too strongly of tamarind, and looked quite dark in colour. Never mind! I learned a lesson there! I found the video after using the instructions in the app. Ever onwards!

Posted by Jeff Hills at 2018-12-07 17:17:13 UTC