Oh my, the day has run away with me and I haven't posted this weeks #RecipeOfTheWeek ! This week I have released two new videos on You Tube and I know that we have been talking about this dish for a while so here is my Masala Dosa Recipe. These are Indian pancakes made with a rice and lentil batter that are fun to make and soooo delicious when stuffed with a spiced potato masala. As a little heads up you need the lentil and rice mixture to ferment so you get a lovely thick batter. This recipe is a bit of a labour of love and takes some planning (3 days) but it is simple when you get down to it. There is also a bit of technique required when you actually make the dosa so they come out beautifully thin and crisp. It's also good idea to have a really good nonstick frying pan for these, I have found that a crepe pan works really well. In many restaurant these are served as huge crispy pancakes but you can only do that if you have a huge pan to cook them on. You have to have coconut chutney with these and I have a new video for a plain coconut chutney but you can jazz it up with red chillies, mint, coriander, turmeric so use your creativity! As always, I would love to see pictures and this one is a challenge so let me know if you are going to try and make it this week - Good Luck!

Posted by Hari Ghotra at 2019-01-14 13:00:01 UTC