Happy Monday #hariscurrycrew I hope you all had a great weekend. I have decided that this weeks recipe of the week is more of a recipe challenge. I want you guys to make homemade poppadoms!! I'm not going to give you a recipe, in fact the challenge is that you guys can create a recipe, make the poppadom and post a picture and the recipe in the app. I will check out the recipe and short list four of your recipes. You guys are then free to cook them or just vote for your favourite one. The winning poppadom will be created as a recipe on my website and in the app with full credit going to the recipe creator. For some background information - A papad, popadom, poppadom are thin, crisps usually made with an urid flour (split urid de-husked) made into a dough rolled out, and fried or cooked over a flame. The dough can be seasoned with different spices or they can be plan so use your imagination. Other flours that can be used include lentil, chickpea, rice, tapioca, or potato. We can do this over the next couple of weeks so the winner will be selected on 18th Feb. Who is going to have a go??

Posted by Hari Ghotra at 2019-02-04 19:58:23 UTC