Dear all I just wanted to message you all to see how everyone is doing. These are super difficult times and I think things are going to get a bit more strange before they get better so I wanted you all to know that although we are not physically together we are a community and we (and I) am here to support you. Yes, we usually talk about food but please do use this forum to share your thoughts and worries – we are in it together and by talking and sharing we will come out the other side. Never has the world felt so small. Most of you know that I am also in the Airline business which has taken a bit of a hit but on the positive side I find myself with some free time - what I would like to know is how many of you are up for doing the #FridayCurryClub again? I am thinking during the day so we can engage with each other, cook and have some fun - Let me know and I can start planning! Big love – and stay safe!

Posted by Hari Ghotra at 2020-03-19 11:33:56 UTC