Hi there again. Have a quick question for advice. I have been cooking your wonderful recipies for a while now and firstly thank you. We have invited six lifelong friends over for a ,socially distanced , meal this Saturday. So far everything I have cooked to date has been plated immediately and consumed straight after. I am doing your chicken balti as the mains. However as I would like to be prepped and am doing other starters etc my question is about advance preparation. If I followed your recipie to the letter earlier in the afternoon covering the pans at end will their be much downside to then reintroducing pans to oven for final heat up before serving. Any thoughts and help welcome. Ps. I look forward to receiving recent orders from your site. Bought multiple kits especially of chicken xacuti as it was such a hit recently. Best and thanks in advance E
Posted by emmetcbrowne at 2020-07-16 13:36:15 UTC