Butter Chicken. My second recipe from Hari's new book. This is the dish to have when you fancy a cuddle indoors β™₯️ rather that teasing next door's Yorkie with your Rottweiler impersonation πŸ•. I used chicken breast and tinned tomatoes. Thanks to @andrewsherman πŸ‘ I made sure the sauce was well reduced but even so it needed further reduction at the end to get that thick creamy consistency. No tears of happiness from Mrs M with this one - just a contented smile πŸ™‚. Served with plain Basmati rice and Hari's Masoor di Dhal which I had taken out the freezer earlier thinking it was pumpkin πŸŽƒ soup πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Posted by Gordon Moore at 2022-11-13 11:08:10 UTC