Dear Hari I take time today to tell you how much you broaden my cooking horizons ! I love Indian food, and discovered it in England, but I am french, and in France, it is not so easy to find good Indian restaurants or even good recipes. My husband is happy too, cause I am cooking one of your recipes almost every two weeks. it is a bit more difficult for my friends... you know how much french people are not used to eat chillies and even all range of spices. but I am slowly converting them 😊 Almost everybody ate Thari walee lamb (my favorite) with home made garlic naan, and all of them loved it. whatever, you are and will remain my favorit cooking app, and I can tell you that one day, I hope, I'll take time to come in England to attend one of your classes. Today, Pork Vindaloo, also amazing. thanks for all these wonderful recipes, advices, videos, and smiles. I am absolutely fan. cheers Berengere

Posted by Bérengère Lapeyrade-morvan at 2018-04-29 08:25:39 UTC