Hey guys I hope you are all well and having a fantastic summer. I am just loving all the cooking you guys are doing - the pictures are incredible!! I love how you are all getting ideas from each other and sharing your recipes - that's what food is all about! I’m very excited to be contributing to Surrey Mirror monthly food magazine, Relish. In this month’s issue, I’ll be tackling your summer cooking woes and I need your help to get it going. I am doing a section called 'Ask Hari' and to get people sending questions through I need some real questions from 'real people' like you. Do you have anything you want help with when it comes to summer dishes? For example are you bored of salads and want ideas to jazz them up? Are you struggling to find what you can eat in this heat? Or are you already dreading the return of the kids’ packed lunches? Anything summer and food related that I can help you with would be fantastic. Ask your questions below and I will answer then in the column and share it with you when it comes out. Thank you so much!

Posted by Hari Ghotra at 2018-08-07 11:26:43 UTC